Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bulan & Matahari

Sigh..tipis sungguh iman di lain terjage malam buat solat tahajjud..aku?blogging?..ceyh..

why i need both of them?

manusia x pernah puas..even against nature...ade matahari yg cukop terang dan panas pd siang hari tp masih mencari sinar bulan bile matahari terbenam. Matahari tu besar, terang....matahari tu jgk sumber utk bulan?
Jgn perlekehkn si Bulan...xkn pasang surut air laut tanpa bulan...xkn ade si jadian kalau bulan xmenjelma...xterkirenye hari kalau xde bulan...

Dua2 same penting...matahari tanpe bulan same mcm lagu tanpe lirik dan bunge tanpe bau.
Terpulang kat org tok menilai...

Monday, June 6, 2011

"My Sweet Tiny Plant in Pots"

hehe..cute kn ia? sume disebabkn kegatalan melewati sebuah kdai hardware kat subang parade...saje try beli flower seed tok kot follow diorg grow....hihi..

*Seed at first week 25/5/2011

*Seed at 2nd week 31/5/2011

*Latest pic on 5 June 2011

I'm Back!!!!

hahahaha.....lame gile x post kat cni..fufu...laen macam plak rase..erm em...lots of things has changed since my last post....I've gone through memorable moment in a past few months..meeting with friends, foes, new colleagues and some outstanding bosses!!!....(is it?)...gagagaga....oh oh..contract suda mau abes ngan Sime Darby...wuwu..hopefully they'll take me in..sobs...